The Sales Pipeline
Is the lifeblood of every organization selling a product or a service.
The quality of the leads in that pipeline will determine if a sales team hits or does not hit their sales quota.
The Machine
Look at the sales pipeline as a manufacturing device. What goes into the machine will determine what comes out at the other end. To manage the quality of what's going into the pipeline and what is coming out of the pipeline is determined by the criteria that has been established for the sales pipeline.
The Five Stages
There are five stages of a successful sales pipeline. The first stage is what I refer to as the suspects stage.
We then have the cold prospects stage , warm prospects stage, hot prospects stage, and the closed prospects stage.
Each stage must have very specific criteria attached to it and must be fulfilled before the suspect can move to the next stage.
The Guarantee
Once the sales pipeline machine criteria have been built, that in itself it's not enough to guarantee hitting a sales quota.
Why you may ask. Because now we must introduce the human element to run the machine that being the salesperson.
As a matter of record more than 50% of sales teams do not hit their sales quota. Can you imagine how many dollars or invested in a sales process that are wasted.
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45 Reasons Why Sales Quotas Are Not Hit
Make it a Great Day
Al Turrisi
Turrisi &Associates
Black Belt at Sales & Strategic Networking Academy
P.O. Box 374 Long Valley, New Jersey 07853